Sunday, September 28, 2008

That Best Friend & Looking Up

I was supposed to be doing my homework.The keyword is supposed. As usual.. I ended up scribbling poems instead of writing my essay.Funny thing is... I decided not to join his ninjado class because I wanted to do the essay.

That Best Friend

I've said it then,
I'm saying it now.
You've always been that best firend,
... Tis' a pity we've lost the how

Looking up...

Never within touch,
Just tempting within sight.
In the dark, exceptionally bright.
And when there's nothing much,
or the rhythm's fled,
and the highs comes flat,
That's when it reverberates.

Its the cacophony behind the noise,
That amplifies as the other fades.
Lean back...
Watch the shadows behind eyelids
Let it flit, let it go.
Let the cacophony do its play.

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